Candidate Inquiry

Are you considering becoming a Candidate for the HEART Party? 
Being a candidate during an election is an exciting journey that allows you to campaign for a seat in parliament and make a difference to politics in Australia. 

Step 1: Read our Policies

Before filling out this form, please familiarise yourself with the Constitution and HEART Party Policies. Before applying to be a candidate of our party, you will need to agree to our policies and align with them during your campaign. 
Eligibility Criteria:
You must be an Australian citizen.
Federal politicians cannot hold dual citizenship.

Step 2: Complete our Enquiry Form 

Please complete the form below to register your interest with us. A member of our recruitment team will get in contact to have a casual chat with you to learn whether it might be right for you.

If endorsed, you will be supported by the HEART Party, but you will also need to commit your time and your own finances to your campaign.

HEART Party Candidate Enquiry

* indicates required
I declare I: *
Checking this box also declares that you agree to the HEART Party Policies.
Are you an Australian Citizen?
You must be an Australian citizen, and federal politicians cannot hold dual citizenship.
eg. How you can support your community?

Join our Party

Authorised by M. O'Neill, Health Environment Accountability Rights Transparency (HEART) Party, Nulla Nulla Creek Rd, Bellbrook NSW 2440
© 2025 HEART Party |  Built by
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