The HEART Party is your voice for choice; because YOU deserve to be heard.
We value YOUR right to choose or refuse any health product or procedure without coercion, discrimination, harassment or penalty.
We recognise the importance of accountability and transparency in all areas of Government, including but not limited to health, environmental and economic policies.
At the core of each of our policies is our commitment to provide ALL Australians with the power to make informed decisions about their own health and lifestyle.
Together we will enhance the potential of all Australians to live a healthy life.
All Australians deserve to have full autonomy over their health, and access to resources that promote vitality and good health. We will assist this by:
All Australians deserve to have full autonomy over their health, and access to resources that promote vitality and good health. We will assist this by:
- Supporting lifestyle choices that build and maintain a strong immune system; for example, increasing consumption of organic food.
- Increasing educational programs that promote the benefits of healthy living, life skills, eating nutrient-dense food and participating in small-scale food production.
- Guiding allied health practitioners towards holistic and natural treatment alternatives.
- Inspiring mental health practitioners to include complementary and natural medicines in their treatment regimes at all stages of mental health care, including in hospitals and extended care facilities.
- Providing a healthy water supply without the addition of fluoride or any toxic substances.
Together, we will create a safe place for all, by:
Together, we will create a safe place for all, by:
- Supporting sound environmental positions that are based upon independent, balanced and objective scientific findings.
- Encouraging investment in clean, economical, efficient and environmentally-sound energy production in Australia.
- Calling for transparent information regarding the possible environmental effects of current and future renewable energy sources, and the impact of mining and fracking on the environment.
- Offering information on regenerative farming practices, such as permaculture and biodynamic farming.
- Calling for an independent environmental impact review of commercial farming practices.
- Phasing out hazardous substances and practices that are negatively impacting upon the health of our environment and people, including, residual contamination and runoff into creeks, rivers and oceans.
- Calling for the consideration of all academic perspectives when evaluating the definition, causes and solutions to the subject of ‘climate change’.
Australians deserve responsible Government. We will shine a spotlight in places where accountability is lacking by:
Australians deserve responsible Government. We will shine a spotlight in places where accountability is lacking by:
- Supporting the call for a Royal Commission into the Government’s COVID response, including a review of the roles played by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Gene Technology Regulator, the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Authority (AHPRA), Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) and any other organisation whose decisions impacted the health and freedoms of our citizens.
- Challenging Australia’s inclusion in the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). While the WHO and the UN may provide consultative advice, ultimately, the responsibility to independently assess and make decisions lies with our elected representatives. All current foreign trade agreements should be reassessed.
- Empowering health professionals to gain true informed consent (through advising their patients of all the side effects, risks and benefits) without fear of repercussion or reprisal, prior to administering any medical product or procedure. Directives from any governing body that contradicts or interferes with this process, or censors health professionals, should be void and subject to penalties. Any health professional who fails to gain informed consent should be penalised.
- Challenging the immunity from liability granted to pharmaceutical companies against prosecution for vaccine harm.
- Calling for a Royal Commission into claims that Australians have died or been harmed by vaccinations.
- Calling for any person or organisation that is found to have purchased a patent for the purpose of preventing a science or technology from being operational to be penalised. The purpose of this policy is to make it an offence to purchase a patent (for example, energy, health and life saving technologies) only for the purpose of shelving the invention and preventing others from ever using it.
You deserve to lead a self-determined life. It is our commitment to provide ALL Australians with the power to make informed decisions about their own health and lifestyle by:
Human Rights
You deserve to lead a self-determined life. It is our commitment to provide ALL Australians with the power to make informed decisions about their own health and lifestyle by:
Human Rights
- Calling for a Bill of Rights or a Federal Human Rights Act which protects our human rights and freedoms, including but not limited to; freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, freedom of movement, freedom from surveillance, medical freedom, the right to privacy, the right to data privacy (including use of facial recognition and other biometrics), the right to make anonymous transactions, and the right to use cash for any transaction.
‘Smart Cities’
- Calling for laws to protect Australians from the threat of a social credit system, ensuring ‘Smart Cities’ (technologically modern urban areas that use different types of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data) are not used for surveillance, manipulation or other breaches of human rights.
Lockdowns and Mandates
- Calling for a Bill of Rights or Federal Human Rights Act which recognises the rights of all people to work, open their business, go to school/childcare, enter a venue, visit family and travel without interference from bureaucrats.
- Accepting all people regardless of their vaccine status. We will call for laws which protect all people from any form of discrimination based upon vaccine status. This includes, but is not limited to, the ‘No Jab No Pay/Play’ laws, the right to work, open your business, go to school/childcare, enter a venue, visit family and travel.
- Calling for financial compensation to those people who have lost income due to vaccine status.
- Supporting any person injured by a vaccine and calling for Legal Aid to be available for litigation against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine harm.
- Recognising the valuable role of parents who choose to stay at home with their children, by enticing businesses to offer them flexibility and, where possible, increased parental leave.
- Advocating for Government funded natural and midwife assisted births.
- Accepting the rights of parents who choose not to subject their child to medical treatments which are demonstrated to carry serious risks, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and vaccinating their child, without undue threat of interference from child protection services.
- Recognising medical decisions made for a child prior to parental separation and calling for this to be reflected in Family Law legislation.
- Assisting parents of children in temporary care to ensure that children are not vaccinated against the parent’s will. Supporting the rights of parents to make medical decisions for their child, regardless of the child being in temporary care.
Natural and Complementary Therapies
- Recognising the rights of all Australians to choose natural and complementary therapies, and advocating for them to be included in the public health system, private health insurers and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Cannabis and Hemp
- Calling for consistent legislation across all the states and territories to decriminalise the growing and consuming of small amounts of cannabis, and advocating for the availability of affordable medicinal cannabis via the public health system and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
- Calling for less regulation in the hemp farming industry and consistancy of laws across all states and territories.
- Encouraging harm minimisation through education into drug addiction (including alcohol) and its relationship to trauma.
Navigating this issue with care and understanding, and our core value of preventing medical coercion, we recognise that a woman’s personal circumstances and beliefs are many and varied. As a Party our core value is to prevent medical coercion. We therefore:
- Do not agree with gender-selection abortion or with the use of human fetal organs for scientific experiments, medical testing or inclusion in any products.
- Believe women should be supported through all stages of their reproductive cycle and be provided with education to ensure fully informed consent for any medical interventions.
- Believe that, in circumstances where a woman is faced with a decision on whether to terminate a pregnancy, she should be provided with counselling which offers alternative solutions and the opportunity to explore the ramifications of her decision, and whichever choice she makes it should be within the privacy of the health professional-patient relationship.
- Navigating this issue with care and understanding, we will advocate for end of life choices to be made based on fully informed consent, including counselling and education which offers alternative solutions and whichever choice is made, it should be within the privacy of the doctor-patient relationship.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Walking with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as we work together on issues brought to our attention through advice and discussion with Cultural Elders.
- Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in their use of traditional foods and medicines within the medical system and on Country. We recognise that loss of culture also causes the loss of spiritual health, which can result in physical illness.
- Assisting in the delivery of culturally and linguistically diverse projects and initiatives to support and nurture Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to grow and flourish.
- Recognising the rights of Independent Schools to operate as they see fit, because parents have a right to choose alternative forms of education for their children.
- Providing support to alternative school initiatives and parents who choose to home-school their children
- Phasing out practices that are cruel to animals.
- Calling for an independent review of pharmaceutical use in animal industries, and their impact upon the health of animals and consumers.
- Calling for independent safety studies in all emerging technologies including, but not limited to, 5G and geoengineering to determine if there are any negative environmental and/or health impacts which could be attributed to these technologies.
We recognise the importance of transparency in all areas of Government. We will help to boost transparency, giving you greater peace of mind, by:
We recognise the importance of transparency in all areas of Government. We will help to boost transparency, giving you greater peace of mind, by:
- Calling for Government truth and transparency in all decisions, including disclosure of ALL conflicts of interest. Such information should be easily accessible to the public.
- Calling for ALL specialists and institutions who have a financial conflict of interest, to refrain from the promotion of vaccination, advice to government or involvement in vaccination policy formulation. Vaccination policy should be formulated and reviewed by independent microbiologists, virologists, and immunologists who have no financial or positional conflicts of interest.
- Calling for an oversight committee to monitor and investigate pharmaceutical adverse events, and for the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to be removed from this process due to conflicts of interest.
- Calling upon the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) to provide substantiated scientific studies from a range of independent verified sources, on all vaccines used in Australia, including double-blind long-term safety and efficacy data.
- Calling upon NCIRS to provide a detailed evaluation of the health outcomes of the National Immunisation Program.
- Calling for a study to be published which compares the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children in Australia.
- Assisting consumers to understand what they are ingesting by clearly labelling all human and animal food with any GMO, irradiated and synthetic ingredients.
- Calling for independent safety studies in all emerging technologies including, but not limited to, 5G and geoengineering to determine if there are any negative environmental and/or health impacts which could be attributed to these technologies.
If managed correctly, Australia has all the ingredients for a thriving economy. We believe that the key to greater prosperity in Australia is the reduction of laws, regulations, excessive taxes and so-called safety practices that are strangling the life out of our economy and have plunged us into excessive debt. We will assist in boosting the Australian economy by:
If managed correctly, Australia has all the ingredients for a thriving economy. We believe that the key to greater prosperity in Australia is the reduction of laws, regulations, excessive taxes and so-called safety practices that are strangling the life out of our economy and have plunged us into excessive debt. We will assist in boosting the Australian economy by:
- Inspiring manufacturing to return to Australian shores.
- Calling for less regulation, red tape, fees and laws that are stifling growth and the welfare of small business.
- Sparking investment in Australia by dismantling the onerous amount of government restrictions, red tape, fees, taxes and levees that have created a hostile environment for business in Australia.
- Protecting community banks and cash, and the right for all Australians to make anonymous financial transactions.
- Supporting Australian farmers in regenerative farming, holistic grazing, permaculture and other restorative methods to limit environmental damage and produce a better food source.
- Calling for a reduction of the huge and cumbersome public service that has become a drain on taxpayers and business.
- Working together with other parties and members of parliament who promote smaller government, less regulation and lower taxes.