If managed correctly, Australia has all the ingredients for a thriving economy. We believe that the key to greater prosperity in Australia is the reduction of laws, regulations, excessive taxes and so-called safety practices that are strangling the life out of our economy and have plunged us into excessive debt. We will assist in boosting the Australian economy by:
- Inspiring manufacturing to return to Australian shores.
- Calling for less regulation, red tape, fees and laws that are stifling growth and the welfare of small business.
- Sparking investment in Australia by dismantling the onerous amount of government restrictions, red tape, fees, taxes and levees that have created a hostile environment for business in Australia.
- Protecting community banks and cash, and the right for all Australians to make anonymous financial transactions.
- Supporting Australian farmers in regenerative farming, holistic grazing, permaculture and other restorative methods to limit environmental damage and produce a better food source.
- Calling for a reduction of the huge and cumbersome public service that has become a drain on taxpayers and business.
- Working together with other parties and members of parliament who promote smaller government, less regulation and lower taxes.