The name of the Party shall be INFORMED MEDICAL OPTIONS PARTY (“the Party”).
- The Party is committed to ensuring that Queenslanders receive information on any medical options available, and that that information be free of any industry bias, allowing the person to make a free, un-coerced and un-penalised choice on the option they choose.
- The Party is committed to defend the right of all Queenslanders to decide whether they want themselves, their children or their charges to be medicated.
- The Party is committed to work to repeal legislation that compels Queensland children to be medicated against the will of their parents for eligibility to enrol in childcare and any education services.
- The Party opposes any legislation that in any way discriminates against, or penalises Queenslanders for making informed decisions about their own, or their children’s, health needs.
- The Party is committed to objecting to, and repealing, any legislation requiring mandatory medication to any degree, with regards to the right of all Queenslanders to work in any employment that they choose and are able to participate.
- The Party is committed to seeing an independent and government–funded investigation, or Royal Commission, into the allegations of scientists, researchers, doctors, and affected parents with respect to the detrimental effects of the past and current vaccination programs.
- The Party is committed to offering a voice to the unheard and legislatively persecuted minority of Queensland citizens and their families who make an informed choice to reject questionable medical vaccinations.
- The Party is committed to the promotion of endorsed candidates for election to the Queensland Legislative Assembly.
- The Party supports amendments to the Australian Constitution to entrench fundamental rights, such as the right to freedom of thought, religion and conscience.
- The Party supports a society in which every Queensland citizen shall possess liberty, property and security, and none shall be enslaved by ignorance or conformity, with its primary concern for the rights of the individual and sets freedom first.
- The Party will support sustainable environmental policies.
- The Party supports smaller government and less government intervention into the lives and business of Queensland citizens.
- Membership to the Party is open to all who support its Aims and Objectives and are registered on the Commonwealth of Australia electoral roll and entitled to vote in elections for the Parliament of Australia.
- All Memberships are to be applied for in writing or via electronic application on the Party prescribed form as on the website..
- Membership is denied to any individual who has been convicted of a disqualifying electoral offence in the 10 years prior to their application to become a Member.
- Any Member who is convicted of a disqualifying electoral offence may not continue to be a member. Their membership will be deemed to have immediately ceased upon conviction.
- The two forms of Party membership are 'Full Membership' and 'Associate Membership'.
- 'Full Membership' is for life and a renewal membership fee is payable every year of $25. If membership is not renewed, the member will automatically default to 'Associate Membership'.
- 'Associate Membership' is for life and no membership fee is required.
- All members will automatically be entitled to receive Newsletters via email, which a member can unsubscribe at any time.
Full Membership – Entitlements
- Attend and vote at General Party meetings
- Be elected into an office or formal position within the Party.
- Stand as a candidate in any election the Party contests.
- Participate in the decision making process of the Party
Associate Membership – Entitlements
- Attend General Party meetings
Resignation & Expulsion
- Resignation of party membership is to be submitted in writing by letter or electronic means when the member wishes to resign and will take effect immediately on receipt of notification.
- A member may be expelled from the Party by a majority vote at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting
The Executive Committee of the Party shall not be less than six (6) members and be comprised of:
Vice President;
Registered Officer;
Party Agent
Vice President;
Registered Officer;
Party Agent
An Officer of the Party shall be eligible to be elected at the Annual General Meeting if they are a full member of the Party.
The Secretary, Treasurer, President and Vice President of the Party in office at the date of registration of the Party shall, unless they resign from office or from membership of the Party, hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Party, and for a period of one year thereafter, and shall be eligible to be re-elected to such offices following the expiration of such terms of office, if re-nominated (in accordance with nomination procedures) and re-elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Party.
The Registered Officer shall hold office for a period of three years unless otherwise resolved at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
The role of the Secretary is to maintain Party records, attend to Party correspondence, recording of meeting minutes, ensuring that any required records in relation to the functioning of the Party are kept in an orderly and accurate manner and otherwise carry out Party administration including making arrangements for the Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings.
The role of the Treasurer is to take responsibility for Party finances including fund raising and paying expenses; managing and maintaining absolute accuracy in regard to the Party’s financial records; ensuring the Party complies with any financial obligations imposed upon it by law or the Executive Committee; liaising with, and reporting to, the Executive Committee on the financial activities of the Party.
The role of the President and Vice President is to chair Party meetings, drive and manage the Party’s growth, and represent the Party at official functions.
The role of the Registered Officer is to sign and submit nomination forms for the endorsed candidates of the Party, attend to the requirements of the Queensland Electoral Commission and to ensure the party complies with the Electoral Act 1992 and Electoral Regulation 2013 and any regulations involving political parties.
The role of the Party Agent is to lodge the Party’s annual financial disclosure return, and receive election funding on behalf of the Party.
- Election as an office bearer is to take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Party. Any full member of the Party is eligible to stand for election against any member of the Executive Committee.
- Nominations must be received by the Secretary of the Party two (2) weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
- All voting at the Annual General Meeting and at Extraordinary General Meetings is to be held by secret ballot.
- The Secretary of the Party may make such regulations for the calling of Extraordinary General Meetings as may be appropriate to promote the objectives of the Party.
- The Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings can only meet for voting purposes as the Party if a quorum of any two members of the Executive Committee plus five other general members is reached.
- A member of the Party may nominate and be elected for more than one position on the Executive Committee provided that any such member must be counted as only one person for the purposes voting.
- General Party Meetings are to be held at least two (2) times a year.
- All Party Members are eligible to attend and address the meeting but only full members are eligible to vote on motions and resolutions.
- A General Party Meeting can only meet for voting purposes as the Party if a quorum of any two members of the Executive Committee plus five other general members is reached.
- A General Party Meeting requires 7 days’ notice by way of notice of meeting and agenda distributed to all members by post, or electronic means.
- A candidate for election to the Queensland Legislative Assembly shall be deemed to be endorsed by the Party if they are nominated by the Executive Committee of the Party to stand for election as a representative of the Party.
- Allocation of the party’s preferences at elections to the Queensland Legislative Assembly shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the Party.
- The Executive Committee must ensure that best practises in relation to vetting of Candidates is conducted which may vary and change from time to time as deemed necessary in the best interests of the Party.
- Any preselection of ballots for the selection of candidates must satisfy the general principles of free and democratic elections.
- The finances and accounts of the Party are to be the responsibility of the Treasurer.
- The accounts are to be recorded in a manner that meets minimum standards of accounts as required by an Incorporated Association.
- Funds shall be allocated for such purposes as authorised by the Executive Committee of the Party.
The Constitution of the Party may be amended, varied or added to on the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Party provided that any such amendment is approved by a majority of members at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Any disputes in relation to the affairs of the Party will, upon referral by the Executive Committee, be mediated, conciliated, arbitrated or otherwise heard and determined by the Dispute Committee in the manner it considers appropriate in the relevant circumstances.
The Dispute Committee will be comprised of three (3) members who will be appointed and removed from time-to-time by the Executive Committee at its absolute discretion. A member of the Executive Committee can also be appointed to the Dispute Committee.
- The Party may only be dissolved by a vote where two-thirds of members elect to dissolve, and not less than half of current Full Members participate in the ballot.
- Members will be given at least 3 months advance notice of this proposal to disband.
- Dissolution is effective at whatever date that ballot may specify.
- If, after the election to dissolve, all liabilities and debts have been satisfied, and remaining costs and fees with regards to the dissolution have been accounted for, there remains property belonging to the Party, that remainder shall be distributed to any organisation with similar aims and objectives as set out in this Constitution.