Aluminium in Infant and Childhood Vaccines
23rd October 2023 (updated Nov 23)
Like lead and mercury, aluminium is a recognised neurotoxin: cumulative, inessential and immuno-inflammatory [1]. The HEART Party is concerned about the injurious nature of some vaccine components e.g. Aluminium salts.
The table below shows how much aluminium is injected during just the first six months of the National Immunisation Program Schedule. The “TISSUE EXPOSURE TO ALUMINIUM – From Vaccines” box shows minimum (min), and maximum (max) amounts to allow for a choice between alternative vaccines, eg Vaxelis or Infranrix Hexa, and the inclusion of Bexsero vaccine in the South Australia (SA) schedule and in the National Immunisation Program schedule for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

- Breastmilk: Al absorbed per Litre: {4},{5},{6} 0.1% x 25µg/L = 0.025µg/L. Total estimated Al absorption between 2 and 4 months of age at 800mls of milk p/day: (61 x 0.8 x 0.025) = 1.22µg
- Tissue Exposure from vaccines by 6 months:
- Minimum: 1,457µg of Al (383 times the estimated Al absorption from Breast Milk).
- Maximum: 4,585µg of Al (1,207 times the estimated Al absorption from Breast Milk).
Vaccine aluminium, though slowly absorbed from injection site, accumulates throughout the body more readily than aluminium absorbed from food [1]. Neonates and young infants have an increased susceptibility to toxins and toxicants {7}. Aluminium intake from just ONE injection of Infanrix hexa may be about the same as a baby breast feeding for 90 years. 820 ÷ (365 x 0.025).
Additional aluminium containing vaccines are scheduled for the rest of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age [2]. More still are scheduled for many young indigenes [2]. Other vaccines containing aluminium are often among vaccines “required” for overseas travel or otherwise promoted [8].
Aluminium Injury: “Vaccines and Autoimmunity”, (p 4-5) Dr Yehuda Shoenfeld (Editor), Dr Nancy Agmon-Levin (Editor), Dr Lucija Tomljenovic (Editor) ISBN: 978-1-118-66343-1; Mechanisms of Aluminium Adjuvant Toxicity and Autoimmunity ; Aluminium Adjuvant Toxicokinetics: A Critical Analysis of Referenced Studies ; Biopersistence and Brain Translocation of Aluminium Adjuvants of Vaccines ; Aluminium Hydroxide Injections lead to Motor Deficits and Motor Neuron Degeneration ; Chronic Aluminium Intake Causes Alzheimer’s Disease ; Association Between Aluminum Exposure From Vaccines Before Age 24 Months and Persistent Asthma at Age 24 to 59 Months ; Bioavailable Aluminum: Its Effects on Human Health ; Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Autism ; Cellular Fate and Toxicity of Aluminium Adjuvants ; Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminium
Vaccine Aluminium Content: Engerix B Pg 1 ; H-B-Vax II Pg 7 (Manufactured in USA as Recombivax); Infanrix hexa ; Prevenar 13 Para 2 ; Bexsero Pg 1; Vaxelis Pg 10
Breast Milk Aluminium Content: Aluminium Content of Human Milk, Cow’s Milk and Infant Formulas Pg 1; Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment p.9
Estimated Absorption from Food and Breast Milk: Aluminium Toxicokinetics: An Updated MiniReview p.162 ; Regulation of metal absorption in the gastrointestinal tract p.1 ; Safety of Aluminium from Dietary Intake p.2
Breast Milk Intake: What’s ‘normal’ when it comes to breastfeeding? ; How Much Milk Do Breastfed Babies Eat?
Infant Aluminium Susceptibility: Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment Para 30, p.7 ; Why Do a Child’s Age and Developmental Stage Affect Physiological Susceptibility to Toxic Substances?